Imperial German
Cartridge Casings

There are no-doubt more markings to be found on Imperial German cartridge casings. This list is of the markings that I am aware of.
Marking Manufacturer
AEG Algemeine Elektricität Gesellschaft Berlin
AWDr Artillerie Werkstatt Dresden
AWS Artillerie Werkstatt Spandau
DWM Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabrik
FN Fritz Neumeyer
GG Gelsenkirchner Gusstahl Werke
GGW Gelsenkirchner Gusstahl Werke
GF Sp Geschoss Fabrik Spandau
HL Haniel Luege Düsseldorf
KP Krupp Essen
PFK Patronenfabrik Fredericton Kanada
RhMF Rheinische Munitionsfabrik Düsseldorf
SH Siemens-Halske
Marking Meaning
67% Percentage of copper
Ex. Exzerzier (drill)
Hb27 Control/inspection mark of Patronenfabrik Friedrich Neumeyer
Karth Kartusche (cartridge casing)
Sp252 Control/inspection mark for Patronenfabrik Polte Magdeburg
Sp255 Control/inspection mark for Patronenfabrik Karlsruhe
Sp289 Control/inspection mark for Patronenfabrik Polte Magdeburg
Sp406 Control/inspection mark for Patronenfabrik Polte Magdeburg
St Stark (strong) means that the casing was strengthened. Casings until 1905 had thinner walls
V Verpackungsmunition: a weighted drill casing
Vp. Verpackungsmunition: a weighted drill casing
Flaming Bombs Found on all cartridge casings made by Patronenfabrik Karlsruhe for Army and Navy
Crown Inspection marks prior to introduction of the Sp inspection stamps.
Crowned M Kaiserliche Marine (Imperial Navy) arsenal's acceptance stamp