Garde-Fußartillerie issued Pickelhaube.
Model 1894 Garde-Fußartillerie (Foot Artillery) Mannschaften issued Pickelhaube.

This Pickelhaube was worn by the following Garde-Fußartillerie units:

  • 1. Garde-Fußartillerie-Regt. (Spandau) Garde-Korps

  • Fußartillerie Schießschule (Shooting School) (Jüterbog) Garde-Korps

  • Fußartillerie Prüfungs-Kommission (Testing Commission)

  • 2. Garde-Fußartillerie-Regt. Garde-Korps
In 1914 the 2. Garde-Fußartillerie-Regiment was formed from the Fußartillerie Schießschule (Shooting School) Lehr-Regiment. The new regiment wore the shoulder straps and uníform of the Fußartillerie Schießschule and the Fußartillerie Prüfungs-Kommission.

Gunners from the Fußartillerie Schießschule manned all five batteries of the large 30,5cm Mörser called the Beta 09 Gerät and gunners from the the Fußartillerie Prüfungs-Kommission manned the three batteries of the legendary 42cm M-Gerät L/12 Dicke Bertha (Big Bertha).
A view of the Preußen Garde Wappen (front plate) with the distinctive spread-eagle wing with Garde star.
To accommodate a Haarbusch, the Kugel (ball top) is removable.
A side profile showing the high dome-shape of the helmet body, and Fußartillerie characteristics, such as flat M91 chinscales.
Note that the rear spine does not incorporate the M1895 rear sliding air vent, correct for all issued artillery helmets prior to the First War.
The helmet liner is the standard Pickelhaube heavy leather pattern and in good condition.
On the rear visor are issue stamps, in ink; "1902" for the initial issue date, "BAG" for the clothing depot of the Garde and "2GA" when it was finally issued to Garde-Fußartillerie Regt. Nr. 2, raised in 1914 and fought as part of the 2nd Garde Division.
Mannschaften (Other Ranks) Dunkelblau shoulder straps from the three units who wore this pattern of Pickelhaube. On the left, Garde-Fußartillerie-Regt. (Spandau) Garde-Korps. Centre, the Fußartillerie Schießschule (Shooting School) (Jüterbog) Garde-Korps. And on the right, the Fußartillerie Prüfungs-Kommission (Testing Commission)
Mannschaften (Other Ranks) Model 1910 Vereinfachte (Simplified) shoulder straps from the 2. Garde-Fußartillerie-Regt. On the left, the Fußartillerie Schießschule (Shooting School) and on the right, the Fußartillerie Prüfungs-Kommission (Testing Commission).