Model 1895 Hessen Leibgarde-Infanterie-Regt 115 pre-1897 (brass fittings) Pickelhaube
Model 1895 Leibgarde-Infanterie-Regt. (1. Großherzoglich Hessisches) Nr.115 (Darmstadt) XVIII Armee Korps pre-1897 (brass fittings) Pickelhaube for a Senior NCO Unteroffizier mit Portepee (Vizefeldwebel to Feldwebel).

The Hessen Leibgarde-Infanterie-Regt wore brass fittings on their Pickelhaubes from 1871 to 1897. In 1897 they were awarded silver fittings and a new lion Wappen with oakleaves.

The Pickelhaube is configured as a correct M1895 with sliding vent on the rear spine, and flat brass chinscales on the M1891 mounts.
A view of the Hessen Leibgarde-Infanterie-Regt 115 Wappen (front plate) with the distinctive "1621" Bandeau to commemorate the raising of the regiment on 11 March 1621. Except for the addition of the Bandeau, the lion Wappen is identical to Hessen line infantry regiments. Note that the heavy-leather chinstrap and buckle remain intact, tucked behind the flat-brass chinscales.
To accommodate a black parade plume, the spike top is removable.
A view of the 48mm Senior NCO Reich's Kokarde for Unteroffizier mit Portepee (Vizefeldwebel to Feldwebel).
Unlike Preußen, Hessen did not have a unique Senior NCO Kokarde for Unteroffizier mit Portepee (Vizefeldwebel to Feldwebel), so these two ranks wore what appears to be the standard Hessen 53mm officer's Kokarden. However, the Kokarde is made specifically for Unteroffizier mit Portepee and has a large center hole to accommodate the M1891 chinscale post.
A view of the Model 1895 Hessen Leibgarde-Infanterie-Regt 115 Pickelhaube profile.
A view of the rear of the helmet.

To accommodate the cruciform spike base, note how low the M1895 sliding rear vent is on the rear spine.
The liner is the standard Pickelhaube heavy leather pattern. Note the large blackened circular reinforcement plate in the top of the skull to help maintain the helmet's shape, typical for Hessen Pickelhauben.
The left rear visor is nicely marked on the rear visor "JR115" and "4B" in a box (Infanterie-Regt 115- 4th Battalion).

An astute reader will note that Infantry Regiments were organized in three Battalions, yet this Pickelhaube is marked to the 4th Battalion.
Starting in October 1893 with the introduction of a two-year active service period for the Infantry, all infantry regiments formed a 4th battalion consisting of two not-quite full strength infantry companies which were normally designated as either the 13th and 14th companies, or 1st and 2nd companies of the 4th battalion. Beginning in March 1897, the 4th battalions of two separate regiments were combined to form a fully manned battalion of a newly-raised two-battalion infantry regiment. The 4th Battalions of Infanterie-Regt 115 and Infanterie-Regt 116 were combined to form the 1st battalion of Infanterie-Regt168 in 1897. The 2nd battalion of Infanterie-Regt 168 was formed in 1897 from the 4th battalions of the Infanterie-Regt 117 and Infanterie-Regt 118. The 3rd battalion of Infanterie-Regt 168 was not formed until October 1913.
The right rear visor is nicely marked "2C" and "III" (2nd Company, 3rd level of issue).