Issued Braunschweigisches
Husaren-Regt. Nr.17 Pelzmütze
Issued Braunschweigisches Mannschaften (Other Ranks) Pelzmütze (Busby) for Braunschweigisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.17 (Braunschweig) X Armee Korps. The Pelzmütze is made from smooth-tight seal hide that has been dyed black and stretched over a bamboo frame. On 17 September 1883, the Braunschweig pattern Totenkopf was authorized to be worn by Braunschweigisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.17 on their Pelzmützen.
A view of the Tombak Husaren Bandeau with the battle honours "PENINSULA, SICILIEN, WATERLOO, MARS-LA-TOUR". This Bandeau was only used by Husaren Regt. Nr. 17 and awarded in 1873. The Bandeau carries the names of battles fought by the Regiment when they fought against France for the British as part of the King's German Legion. The Bandeau were for battles fought in Spain or Waterloo as well as the battle of Mars-La-Tour which was fought on 16 August 1870 during the Franco-Preußen War.
There are two patterns of Mannschaften Braunschweigisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.17 Totenkopf. The most commonly seen one is Neusilber (nickel-silver) and has a clear distinctive ribbon on an angle on the two crossed femurs. Photographic evidence and surviving examples show that there is a second pattern (possibly wartime 1914?) that has a much less defined and rather 'muted' ribbon.

This period photograph shows this second pattern of Totenkopf being worn.
A side view of the Pelzmütze. The ponceaurotem Kolpak (poppy-red bag) has faded on the exterior and is much brighter on the underside. The gilt chinscales are secured to the body on Model M91 brass posts.
A view of the issue markings inside the top. In a black ink square are "BAX" for the clothing depot of the X Armee Korps and "1913" the date the Pelzmütze body was accepted into inventory. It was issued to "3 Esc" (3rd Squadron) in 1914, then moved over to the inventory of "2E" (2nd Squadron).
A rare matching set: Braunschweigisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.17 Attila, Pelzmütze, and Krätzchen.

To see the Attila click Here.To see the Krätzchen click Here.