Preußen 4th Garde Artillery
Mannschaften (Other Ranks) Waffenrock
4. Garde- Feldartillerie-Regt. Potsdam, Garde - Korps Mannschaften Waffenrock.

The Waffenrock is a dunkelblau (dark blue) high-quality doe-skin wool with black cloth collar and Swedish cuffs. The tunic is piped in red along the collar, cuffs, and front opening as well as the rear skirts. The collar and cuff carry massive yellow cloth Garde Litzen. The shoulder straps are light blue with a red artillery exploding bomb.
A view of the collar and shoulder straps. The massive yellow cloth Garde Litzen on the collar are apparent in this photograph. The single rank button on the collar identifies the rank as a Gefreiter (Corporal).
A close-up of the yellow Garde Litzen on the collar.
A close-up of the Swedish cuffs with yellow Garde Litzen.
A close-up of the privately-purchased shoulder straps. The cyphers on the privately-purchased shoulders straps are cut from fine felt and separately sewn on with hand-embroidered details.
The soldier shown here is a Private from the Garde Feld Artillerie wearing this Waffenrock. Note that he is wearing the "extra" pattern of Garde star on his Eigentums-helm.