Einjährig-Freiwilliger 1. Badisches Leib-Dragoner-Regt. Nr.20 |
Einjährig-Freiwilliger (one Year Volunteer) Eigentumsstück (private purchase) Waffenrock from 1. Badisches Leib-Dragoner-Regt. Nr.20 (Karlsruhe) XIV Armee Korps.
The Waffenrock is a light blue doe-skin wool with red collar and Swedish cuffs.
The facing color for DR Nr. 20 was red and is reflected by the red collar, cuffs, shoulder straps, and piping down the front pane and rear skirt.
This example is in incredible condition with no fading, moth, or damage of any kind. |  | |
A view of the collar and Einjährig-Freiwilliger (one Year Volunteer) shoulder straps. |
 | The back of the Waffenrock showing the piping arrangement on the rear skirt. |
A view of the Swedish cuffs with two silver buttons. |  | |
 | A view of one of the superbly crafted Einjährig-Freiwilliger (one Year Volunteer) shoulder straps. The embroidery is of exceptional quality.
Note that the Grand-Duchy of Baden only used the Preußen colors of black & white on the shoulder straps for Einjährig-Freiwilliger and on the shoulder boards of officers. | |
The liner has a very unique feature; running vertically along the front opening on both sides is a metal strip covered in cloth, which keeps the front of the Waffenrock straight and stiff. Interestingly, it would have been difficult for the wearer to sit down comfortably while wearing this Waffenrock! |
 | A photograph of a Badisches Dragoner from 1. Badisches Leib - Dragoner - Regt. Nr. 20, Karlsruhe XIV. Armee-Korps. | |
A matching Mannschaften (Other Ranks) Waffenrock, Pickelhaube, and Tellermütze for an Einjährig-Freiwilliger from 1. Badisches Leib-Dragoner-Regt. Nr.20 (Karlsruhe) XIV Armee Korps. To see the Tellermütze click Here. To see the Pickelhaube click Here. |