Preußen Infantry Regiment 82
Issued M-07/10 Mannschaften (Other Ranks) Feldrock
Mannschaften (Other Ranks) issued M-07/10 Feldrock from 2. Kurhessisches Infanterie-Regt. Nr.82 (Göttingen) XI Armee Korps. The Feldrock is a regulation issue example in Feldgrau wool with red wool piping. Typical to issue tunics it has eight darkened brass on the front in the rimmed M-07/1910 crown pattern. The collar and cuffs are closed with cloth tabs for ventilation.

An issued M-07/10 Feldrock is arguably the rarest and most desirable Imperial German Feldgrau tunic to find. Due to attrition and the course of the war, very few examples have survived.
Note that the corners of the collar are slightly rounded.
A close up of the slip-on pattern M-07/10 shoulder straps. The numbers are chain-stitched in red. The piping color for the XI Armee Korps was wine-red.
Slip-on pattern M-07/10 shoulder straps have a tongue at the back which enables the straps to be removable.
A view of the cloth tabs to close the cuffs on issue M1910 tunics.
Essentially, the rear of the M-07/10 Feldrock was identical to the M1895 Dunkelblau Waffenrock. The rear skirt had two large buttons attached above the rear skirt formation which were used to carry the extra weight of the belt and its attached equipment. In each rear skirt liner were two pockets, which were accessed through a long vertical slit opening.
A view of the rear button hooks.
A view of the cloth tab used to close the collar on issue M1910 tunics.
The tunic is completely lined in an off-white/grey on the top and a grey/tan linen on the bottom. Note the two leather reinforcements for the rear belt hooks, and the field dressing pocket on the lower right.
A view of the linen interior showing evidence of numerous issue markings and dates for the XI Armee Korps.
A soldier wears a new issue Model 1910 tunic for the camera.
Two veteran's pins form IR82 and a soldier's unit identification disk from the Regiment.