Preußen Infantry Regiment 81
Model 1915 Officer's Mantel (Overcoat)
Private purchase Officer's Model 1915 Mantel from Inf-Regt. Landgraf Friedrich I. von Hessen-Cassel (1. Kurhessisches) Nr. 81 Frankfurt a. M. XVIII. Armee-Korps.
The Mantel is a good quality feldgrau ribbed material similar to twill with a large apple-green collar. All buttons are feldgrau painted in the domed M1915 crown pattern. The shoulder boards are sewn into the shoulder seam, and are of the M1910 pattern.
The back of this Private purchase Officer's Model 1915 Mantel.
The rear skirts on the mantel are cut similar to the M10 Feldrock, but it does not function; they do not ventilate and are sewn down flat. An adjustable belt with one M15 pattern button is secured above the simulated skirt.
A rare grouping; the matching Model 1915 Preußen officer's Model 1915 Pickelhaube and Überzug, Model 1915 Overcoat, and Model 1915 Schirmmütze. To see the Schirmmütze click Here. To see the Pickelhaube and Überzug click Here.