Sleepy Hound
I often think that in the short 13 years with me, Kaiser slept 12.9 of those years. The boy loved his sleep. It was once joked to me that as he would let me do absolutely anything to him, I could wash him, pin him on the clothing line outside to dry, and he would probably fall asleep.
More than once he would be sitting up staring at me, and then his eyes would start to blink, I could see he was losing it, and he would fall asleep and fall over startling himself. It was hilarious.
Normally when I wanted to take a photo of him, he was crashed. He almost always slept head first into the bed, so it is no surprise now that most of the photos of have of my little boy, are of his bum sticking out from covers. I could walk up and smack his bum with a loud "HEY ARE YOU GETTING UP SOMETIME THIS YEAR YOU LAZY LITTLE HOUND?" with a bum smack with each word and he wouldn't even stop snoring. Nothing. Out cold.
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