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Imperial German Uniforms 1842 to 1918 |
In German, "Dunkelblau" not only refers to the color "dark blue" but also to all uniforms of any color worn prior to the introduction of the Feldgrau (Field grey) uniforms. This tradition stemmed from the necessity of dressing particular regiments and troops in colors, which would allow commanders to recognize their troops on the battlefield from a distance. |
This index will guide you to individual pages for each catagory of Imperial German uniform. Each catagory of pre-1914 uniform includes a historical overview, photographs of actual examples, period photographs, plus charts of every pre-1914 Regiment with uniform details for each unit. Unfortunately, I do not have an example of a Jäger zu Pferde Koller so the link below will take you directly to the list of uniform details for the Jäger zu Pferde. Additionally, color plates of helmet Wappen (front plate), shoulder strap cyphers, special pattern Litzen, and plates applicable to specific arms of service are found in each catagory of uniform.
For return visitors and for your convenience, I have placed links to all the Regiment/Battalion charts and color plates at the bottom of this page. They will all open in a new window. |
The Waffenrock
This is the largest page and describes the evolution of the Preußen (Prussian) Waffenrock (uniform) from introduction in 1842 to the introduction of the Feldgrau (field grey) uniforms in 1907/10. The Waffenrock was worn by the majority of German foot units and some cavalry units. In this catagory you will find details for uniforms of all regiments of Infantry, Jäger and Schützen (light infantry) Train (Supply), Feldartillerie (Field Artillery), Fußartillerie (Foot Artillery), Dragoner (Mounted Rifle), Pionier (Pioneer), and the Verkehrstruppen (Telegraph, Flieger, Eisenbahn etc).
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Preußen Kürassier & Sachsen Schweres Reiter |
The Ulanen
The Husaren
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The Jäger zu Pferde |
The Bayern Chevaulegers
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The M1907/1910 Feldrock |
The Vereinfachte Feldrock
M1915/16 Bluse
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Uniform and Regiment/Battalion Charts
The following links will present chart listing all Regiments and Battalions of the Pre-1914 Imperial German Army. Each chart will present specific details of the uniform and helmet for each unit. These charts are also available on the individual branch of service pages above. Unless listed separately, Bayern (Bavarian) units are grouped with the units of that branch of service. These charts will all open in a new window. |
Color Plates
The following links take you directly to color plates that are connected with each arm of service. These plates are also available on the individual branch of service pages above. These charts will all open in a new window |
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