Helmewappen (Front Plates) |
The following two color plates are from Knötel H. & Pietsch, P. & Collas, Baron D. (1935) Das Deutsches Heer W. Spemann, Stuttgart (1982). These plates show Helmewappen (Front Plates) for Infanterie (Infantry), Feldartillerie (Field Artillery), Fußartillerie (Foot Artillery) Regiments, Train (Supply), and Pionier (Pioneers). They do not show the cavalry Helmewappen. |
Click on the thumbnail picture for a larger picture |
Helmet Wappen Plate 1
Helmet Wappen Plate 2
Preußen (Prussian) Garde Helmewappen (Front Plate) |
Four basic patterns of helmet plates can be found on Preußen (Prussian) Garde Pickelhauben. The issue plate is discernable by the solid crown and a flat Garde star, while the Eigentums-helm, (privately purchased) pattern has a solid or voided crown and a deeper Garde star. The "Extra" Eigentums-helm pattern has a massive Garde star and the officer pattern has an enameled center. Each of the windows below contain more detailed information on these patterns. |
Click on the thumbnail picture for a larger picture and a full explanation. |
Issue Garde Helmet Plate
Private Purchase Garde Helmet Plate
Private Purchase "Extra" Garde Helmet Plate
Officer Garde Helmet Plate
Helmewappen (Front Plate) |
With the exception of the Garde Helmewappen discussed above, two basic patterns of helmet plate can be found on a Pickelhaube. The issue plate is discernable by the solid crown, while the privately purchased pattern has a voided crown. Several of the more common Wappen are shown below. |
Click on the thumbnail pictures for a larger picture and a full explanation. |
Preußia (Prussia) Issue
Preußia (Prussia) Private Purchase
Baden Issue
Baden Private Purchase