How to Build a Battleship Model from Scratch: The S.M.S. Pommern
Part IV: The Aufbau (Superstructure). |
In this installment which was completed in September 2006, you will find 29 pages covering 81 steps with over 90 photographs. Part IV covers the construction of the Aufbau (superstructure) which turned out to be a huge part of this project and very complex. In all, the Aufbau (superstructure) took almost a year to build. Like always, there were major errors and catastrophes along the way.
In this section, As you read through, you will see how I went from period shipyard drawings and photographs; to this >>
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In an effort to improve navigation, I have added at the bottom of each page links to all major sections to allow you to jump ahead or back. Like always, the "Back" and Next" buttons at the bottom of each page will take you through the steps chronologically.
I hope you find this section interesting or useful and as always, comments or questions are always welcome. Thank you for sharing my pain. Please click
the "next" button below to start the tour. Tony
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