28cm Geschützeturme Completed
Once the tape is removed, I get a perfect straight edge every time. Absolutely no bleed-through of the second sprayed color. This is also how I obtained the perfect lines at the waterline on the hull. Here is one of the now completed and painted Geschützeturme along with the platform. Note that the range finders have been glued on. Period photos show that the 28cm Geschützerohr (barrels) were black at the point where they entered the Geschützeturm, so I wrapped black decal film around them which worked quite well.
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17cm SK L/40 Kasematten Now it was time to tackle the 17cm Kasematten (casemates). They almost seem out-of-scale when looking at them, what appears to be a small round turret, is actually a shield around a relatively large 17cm gun. This is why when looking at photos, if the gun is all the way over in any direction, a gap often appears on the far side of the Kasematten, which is the end of the shield. |
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A Captured Stowaway!
This is such a great photo, I wanted to share it with people who read this site, and this seems like a suitable place to do this. It is a wonderful photo of a Matrosen (sailor) with a flying fish. The caption reads: An Bord gefangener Fliegender Fisch (On board with prisoner Flying-Fish). Unfortunately, I cannot make out the cap tally on his Teller-Mütze to see what ship he was on.
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