The First Look Inside With part of the false-deck cut out, I had my first view of the hull interior. Now it looked like a small canoe. But it was interesting to see what my planking looked like from the inside.
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The Bow I was told by my German friend Friedhelm, that the bow should be carved out of hardwood plywood that has been glued and clamped together for strength. This would allow the bow or stern to be bumped and not suffer great damage, which it would, if it was made from a soft wood like pine. I listened to his advice and used hardwood plywood. Here are the basic bow pieces glued and clamped into place. The shape has been roughed-out with a saw to make sanding easier.
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Fits Like a Glove The bow was sanded to shape with a belt-sander and a sanding drum on my hand drill. The bow proved to be quite difficult to sand and shape, as they call it "hardwood" for a reason. I made the template from tracing the plans and sanded the bow until it fit.
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