Ankerkran On the bow deck was a Ankerkran (anchor crane) that was used to lift the spare anchor laying on the deck should one of the bow anchors be lost. Unfortunately, this piece of equipment is almost never photographed, as it is collapsed in parts on the deck, and ship photos are typically taken from the water. Naturally, the one on Deutschland was different than Pommern's. This is the only photo that I have ever seen of Pommern's Ankerkran. It appears to have been made from I-beam held together with a top plate, with a rear centre support pole supported by two rods from the rear, and a single pole going to the front. This mechanism was equipped with wheels to allow rotation on a round base.
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My Version of the Ankerkran This is what I came up with based on that one partial photo. Before it was glued into the collapsed position, it went together like the photo, with a front rod hooking onto a rear rod, with twin support poles. If a better photo ever surfaces, I'll pop this off and re-build it, or modify it, but for now, this is as close as I could get it.
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Nr. 82? Or Nr. 157? Finally it was time to add the deck chains. This gave me an opportunity to finally try using my friend Peter's Lineau's Relingstütze, 11mm hoch, dreizügig (Railing stanchion 11mm high, three holes).
I was going to use the Nr. 157, but Peter implored me to use the correct scale ones, Nr. 82. I assumed the Nr. 157 had larger holes, as you can see in this photo of Pommern, that the holes for the chains are quite large. However, it is actually the thickness of the part that is different. Nr. 157 are more sturdy and used for ships that are motorized and actually see water. So with this photo I was convinced to use the Nr. 82 which were to scale.
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