Vent Pipes
Next, supports were added to the rear of each funnel for the vent tubes, and the tubes cut to fit. A small hole was drilled into the cowling to accommodate the vent pipe on each funnel.

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Other Assemblies
The front funnel had a ship's steam whistle (Dampfpfeife) on the left side and a horn (Tyfon) on the right. Here the steam pipe for the ship's whistle has been constructed from brass rod and secured with Peter's pipe brackets. Two of the rings have been temporarily placed into position to ensure the pipe would go under the wires.

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Funnels Intro / Funnel Plugs / Cowling / Cowling Mould / Cowling Casting / Funnel Mould / Funnel Casting/ Funnel Assembly / Whistle / Rings / Final Product