Elevation Covers
On the top of each 28cm Geschützerohr (barrel) opening, was a large steel cover. A master was made of the top cover for the opening, and then four were cast and trimmed. Then the rings for attaching the foul-weather covers were added.

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28cm Geschützeturme ready for Paint
Here is one of the two 28cm Geschützeturm completed and ready for paint. A master was made of the two range finders on the top of the turret, and the parts cast. I also added an escape ladder on the rear. I was not pleased with how the rivet strip on the bottom looked on the castings, so I sanded them off and glued on photo-etched rivet strips in place.

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Painting the Top
The Geschützeturme were first painted with what I like to call "Lothar's mix" after Lothar Wischmeyer in Oldenburg Germany who advised me to use 1 part semi-gloss black to 8 parts semi-gloss white for everything above the deck. Once cured, the tops of the Geschützeturme had to be painted semi-gloss black.
A Perfect Line
To avoid paint creeping under the masking tape and to obtain a perfect paint line, there is a trick that works every time. Apply the masking tape, then spray along the edge with the same color that is under the tape. By doing this, any paint spray that may creep under the tape is the same color and it also seals the edge. After this "safety coat" has dried, then the new color can be sprayed.

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Geschützen Intro / 28cm Geschützeturme / 17cm SK L/40 Kasematten / 8,8 cm SK L/35 / Final Product