Cutting Level Another jig was made to sand the bottoms of the shields so they would sit on the gun at a slight angle, with the bottom of the shield level with the horizontal plane. Each shield was checked for the correct angle with the superb plans drawn by Lothar Wischmeyer of the SMS Elsass. Lothar's plans are of the older 8,8 cm SK L/30, but the shield angle would be similar to the Deutschland-Klasse 8,8 cm SK L/35.
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Ready for the Geschützen So far so good. Ten little 8,8cm gun shields that looked pretty good. Period photos show that the front top of the shield was hinged, so that it could be flipped up and back. I scribed a line into the brass on each shield to represent this, but I have my doubts that it will show once they are painted. The two hinges will be added later from styrene.
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8,8 cm SK L/35 8,8cm Ready! The completed guns were then fixed to the shields using a jig to ensure they were straight and all in the same position. Finally my little battery was complete and they were ready for paint. Here are three photos of a 8,8 cm SK L/35 8,8cm guns, after painting. |
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The pencil is to give you an idea of how small these are. From the bottom of the mount to the top of the shield, these little guns are only 18mm tall. Note that I have added on the hinges for the top armour plate on the shield, as well as the gun sight and breech mechanism lever, used to open the breech.
After airbrushing, all the Geschützen (guns) were glued into place in less than 30 minutes. Are you ready to see what they look like? Please remember these Geschützen (guns) are completely scratch-built with no purchased parts with the exception of the hand wheels and the two ladders. Click next to see how they turned out...... | |
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