The 28cm Geschützeturme
The launch of HMS Dreadnought of the Royal Navy in 1906 with five two-gun turrets made the newly launched Deutschland-Klasse with only two Geschützeturme (gun-turrets) immediately obsolete. For a model maker, two or five Geschützeturme makes no difference, as I would be making a master and molding them anyways. Bring it on.......

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The Template
Naturally, the Pommern Geschützeturme were not square, not round (that would have been too easy). They were an oval shape with various angles; nothing was straight or simple. The easiest way to make sure it was correct was cut templates from copies of the plans. Then the top and bottom of the Geschützeturm plans were glued to 3mm styrene plastic and cut to shape.

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The Sides
The side profile of the 28cm Geschützeturm was so odd, that after several unsuccessful attempts, I finally had to make a template from paper so I could cut a strip of plastic in the correct shape.

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Geschützen Intro / 28cm Geschützeturme / 17cm SK L/40 Kasematten / 8,8 cm SK L/35 / Final Product