First Casting
This was a "squish" mold, meaning that resin is poured in and the two halves squished together. Once set, the sides are pried apart and I had a casted Geschützeturm. They both required a lot of cleaning up, but it was a lot easier than making two identical Geschützeturme from scratch.

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28cm Geschützerohr Master
As I cannot afford a lathe, my good friend Peter Lienau came to my rescue once again, and kindly offered to turn a barrel for the 28cm main Geschützerohr (gun barrel) for me in Germany which was fitting, as the orginal barrels were made in Germany as well.

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28cm Geschützerohr
Peter did a typical superb job; the brass master was clean and in perfect dimensions. This was a simple one-piece mold, and they turned out beautifully. I had four identical perfect barrels ready for the main turrets.

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Geschützen Intro / 28cm Geschützeturme / 17cm SK L/40 Kasematten / 8,8 cm SK L/35 / Final Product