A Big Problem This photo shows that the hull I made with the VTH plans was considerably wider than the correct Deutschland plans. How was I going to fix this? This was a huge problem as everything was glued together and tight.
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Drastic Action I had no choice but to cut the front 1/3 of the hull stations out with a saw. I was very concerned that this would ruin the model, but the hull was tough and held its shape. I then made new hull stations to the corrected smaller size and glued them in with epoxy. Once dry, I soaked the sides of the front portion of the hull and used clamps to "suck" them into shape with the new bulkheads.
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Suck it in! Unfortunately, when I brought the planks inward, they wanted to go forward. They had no choice. So although I hated to do it, I broke the seam where the front planks met the carved bow so the planks could move forward and adjust to the new profile. So be it. When it was dry, I glued them in place with epoxy. It worked perfectly.
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More Planking? For the stern of the ship, I had the opposite problem. My hull was too narrow! Fortunately, this was easy to fix as I just laid another layer of planks over the original ones to "beef up" the stern to the correct width and then sanded it down so it tapered correctly into the sides and stern.
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