Disaster While Gluing
Here occurred the first of many problems that would plague this project. I had made some of the slots on the hull stations too tight. Once glue was applied, the stations only went onto the keel with great difficulty. It was not good. I panicked as the glue was starting to set and had to force the stations onto the keel. Several of the stations fractured under the stress of my desperately trying to get the stations onto the hull before the glue dried.

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Repairing the Damage
There was nothing that I could do about it now, as I could not remove the hull from the keel clamps until the glue dried. Once dried, the keel was removed from the keel-clamp and turned upside down so I could glue and clamp the broken sections. You can see the false deck in this photo secured to the hull stations.

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Preparing the Hull
I used a long, straight, but flexible edge to check how the planks would lay against the hull stations. For each station where there was a small depression, wood strips are glued in place to bring that station up to the level of the corresponding stations. If there was a bit too much station, it was carefully sanded down so the planks would lay flat.

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Back to the Pommern Index Page
Intro / Getting Ready / Cutting Stations / Gluing the Stations to the Keel / Planking / Bow & Stern / Catastrophe/ Casemates / Final Product