The Corners Must be Sharp!
With the primer on, now I could see all the imperfections in the hull, which were surprisingly few.

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What was most noticeable, was that the casemate edges seemed rounded. My friend Peter Lineau had advised me that "corners must be sharp!" on a good ship model, so it was back to sanding to sharpen the rounded corners.
The Bow
The bow of the hull had a few tiny wrinkles due to all the repair work, so these were sanded straight and the bow edge sanded to a sharp edge.

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The Aft Torpedo
It was time to add the aft torpedo tube, so the position was marked and a hole drilled in to accept the 5/32" brass tube.

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Intro / Filler / Prop Shafts / Hull Keels / Resin / Primer / Rudder/ Sponson Plate / Portholes / Water Gutter / Final Primer / Painting / Final Product