Crisis Everything had gone too smoothly up to this point on this stage of the model, so something was bound to go horribly wrong and it did. In part one of this project, "Basic Hull Construction" I had built the side casemates exactly as per the atrocious VTH plans. This was a mistake. I have been collecting period post cards of the Deutschland class for details and when I obtained a very nice example of the S.M.S. Hannover, I noticed that the downward angles at the tips of the casemate plates that I had made from brass, (a few pages back) exactly as per the crap VTH plans, were wrong. What a horrible time to discover this. After a year and a half, I was a few days from painting, and now the casemates were wrong?
So be it. I could never look at the model knowing something was wrong, so I used a razor knife to slice through the glue and putty that held the brass casemate plates that I had worked so hard on, and pulled them off. I was able to hammer them flat (thankfully) to remove the downward bend at the tip. | | |