Prop Shafts Completed
The prop shafts are now completed and I was quite pleased how well they took shape and blended into the hull.

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The Anchors
The holes for the anchor chains were now marked from the shipyard drawings and then drilled out. Here they are being sanded into shape with a motor-tool.

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Making the Shape
To fill the holes for the anchor chains that I had drilled in the bow, I needed to make an insert that was smooth with a tapered shape.

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I carved a wooden plug and then heated styrene plastic in hot water before shaping it around the plug. The rough form is on the left and a completed one is on the right.
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Intro / Filler / Prop Shafts / Hull Keels / Resin / Primer / Rudder/ Sponson Plate / Portholes / Water Gutter / Final Primer / Painting / Final Product