An Idea! As the hull-keels are relatively thin, if they were bumped some day, they could break which would be difficult to repair. For that reason, I wanted to make hull-keels out of metal. But what type? |
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I finally decided on an aluminum 1 meter ruler, as it was thick, strong, and straight. Because it was aluminum, it could be cut with a jigsaw with a metal blade. Here they are cut to shape. | | |
Cutting the Hull This was not enjoyable. After almost a year of working on the hull and finally getting it to look like a ship, I was about to cut it lengthwise with a jigsaw. |
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As I had only one chance to do this correctly or ruin my hull, I made a jig so the blade would run along the hull at the correct angle. A few quick prayers, and I made the cut. Once the blade bit in, there was no turning back! | | |
The Cut is Made! Here is my cut along the hull for my hull-keels. In my eyes, it looked like a giant wound. I hope I made the right choice.... |
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