A Sponson Mould
This gave me a silicone mould which I used to cast Sponsons which would give the correct 'basic' shape.

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New Stern Sponsons
Once I pried off the old Sponsons, the new Sponsons were glued on. I then layered them with sheet styrene to reflect the sharp edges and protruding doors on the actual ship. Each Sponson received holes for two large portholes on each side and two smaller portholes in the centre. Other details were added to each side, such as the small door against the Sponson for the 8,8cm barrel, door hinges, a ladder, and the the Nachtrettung ( Night rescue equipment). I also sharpened the edges on the rear 8,8cm doors.

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Much Better!
Here it is painted, it looks much closer to the original than the ones I had first built. Details such as the life-preservers, name plate, etc have not been added yet.

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Completing the Hull Intro / New Rudder / Fixing the Casemates / Booms / Stairs / New Sponsons / Bugzier/ Portholes / Deck Fittings / Railings / Decals / Final Product