MORE $%&# Portholes???
After I had the booms on, I was looking closely at period photos of Pommern and once again noticed that like the stern, I had portholes where there should be none, and flat hull where there should be portholes.
So naturally, the 'extra' portholes had to be filled and sanded, and new portholes drilled where they were missing. With the booms already secured on, this was awkward, but it had to be done. The one with the 'X' is marked to be filled.

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A Stategic Error While Building
The photo above illustrates a strategic error I made while building this model; the ship was overall grey, but I had used a rust-coloured primer. While drilling into the hull or superstructure to mount fittings, or to add missing portholes, the paint often chipped revealing the rust-coloured primer. If I had used a grey primer, the damage would not have showed so clearly. So, next ship I build, it will be primed using a grey primer.
Bilge Drains
When looking at other ship models, I have noticed that builders seem to forget (or choose not to add) the bilge drains that run above the water line. There were 15 per side, mostly round, but one square one as well with a vertical sliding door.

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Drilling Holes into the Hull (again)
Holes were drilled above the water line for the bilge drains, after which I tapped in 1.5mm copper tube. The hull turned out so good in the initial build, it was very difficult to start drilling holes in it, but it had to be done.

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