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Uniform Details
of all Jäger zu Pferder Regiments
Jäger zu Pferde
Plate 1
Jäger zu Pferde
Metalhelme 1843 - 1915
The distinctive black steel helmets of the Preußen Jäger zu Pferde (Mounted Dispatch Rider) first appeared in 1895 with the raising of the Meldereiter Abteilung (Dispatch Rider Detachments). The Meldereiter Metalhelme were made from blackened steel with a large Garde Wappen with gilt fittings, a stepped front visor, and a distinctive "lobster tail" neck guard which came to a point. The spike base for all ranks was a cloverleaf design and Kürassier Model 1894 chinscales in gilt were worn. In 1897 the Preußen line eagle Wappen was adopted and all helmets were updated with the new Reich's Kokarde, worn on the right side of the Metalhelme. Like leather Pickelhaube, Eigentums-helm (privately purchased) Metalhelme were higher quality than issued helmets with enhanced liners for comfort.

Photo used with the kind permission of
Robert Scott

In 1905 the Meldereiter were formed into 3 Jäger zu Pferde Regiments. The "combined Jäger-Regiment zu Pferde" which had been formed in 1901 from Meldereiter Squadrons from various Armee-Korps, became Regiment Königs-Jäger zu Pferde Nr. I. in 1905.

The newly formed Regiments were outfitted with new Model 1905 Jäger zu Pferde Metalhelme. The 1905 Metalhelm was blackened steel as was it's predecessor, but the fittings changed from brass to Neusilber (nickel silver) except for the chinscales which were Tombak (an alloy made from a combination of copper and zinc). The new helmet carried a Dragoner pattern eagle Wappen with upswept wings. I use the term "blackened steel", however, Jäger zu Pferde helmets were actually black manganese parkerized (developed in 1869) which involves an immersion process requiring the solution to be heated to approximately 190-210 degrees and the dipping time can range from 5-45 Minutes.
Regiments 1 to 4, and 7, wore a Koller with a blackened steel helmet with Neusilber (nickel silver) fittings and Tombak chinscales. Interestingly, Jäger zu Pferde Regiments 5 and 6 wore Neusilber fittings but carried blackened chinscales. Jäger-zu-Pferde-Regt. Nr.8 was the only Jäger-zu-Pferde-Regt. to wear Tombak fittings with gilt (brass) eagle Wappen. For further details on the uniforms worn by all Regiments, please see the "Uniform Details for all Jäger zu Pferde Regiments" at the top or bottom of this page.
1905 Jäger zu Pferde Regiments 1 to 7

The example shown here is an Mannschaften (Other Ranks) Model 1905 Eigentums-helm (privately purchased) Metalhelme for Jäger zu Pferde Regiments 1 to 4 and 7. Jäger zu Pferde Regiments 5 and 6 were identical except with blackened chinscales. The body is blackened steel with all Neusilber (nickel silver) fittings except for the curved M1894 pattern chinscales which are Tombak. The Kokarden are the standard 63 mm Kürassier pattern for Mannschaften (Other Ranks). Externally, the Metalhelme is identical to an issued example, except that it is extremely light.
Jäger-zu-Pferd-Regt. Nr.8

Jäger-zu-Pferd-Regt. Nr.8 were not issued the Koller and wore instead the 07/10 Feldrock. Jäger-zu-Pferd-Regt. Nr.8 was the only Jäger-zu-Pferd-Regt. issued with blackened steel helmets with Tombak fittings except for the gilt (brass) M1895 Dragoner Pickelhaube eagle Wappen.
Jäger zu Pferde Regiments 9 to 13

Jäger zu Pferde Regiments Regiments 9 to 13 wore only the M07/10 Feldrock with Dragoner M1895 Pickelhaube with gilt fittings identical in all respects to this issued example marked to Dragoner Regt. Nr. 14.

The liners of issued M1905 Jäger zu Pferde Metalhelme were leather with rounded "tongues" perforated at the ends for a leather string to adjust the fit.

Officers wore a Metalhelme that closely resembled the Kürassier officer helmet, but with a Dragoner Wappen. Officers in Regiments 1 to 7 wore a blackened steel helmet with silver fittings and Tombak chinscales, while officers in Regiments 8 to 13 wore the same helmet with gilt fittings.

For some reason, bightly polished steel helmets as worn by Kürassier officers were also tolerated.

In accordance with the 1915 regulations steel helmets no longer would use brass, silver, or Tombak. Preußen Jäger zu Pferde (Other Ranks) Metalhelme remained blackened steel but now carried grey oxidized steel fittings for all Regiments and the brass or Tombak chinscales were replaced with a M91 leather chinstrap. Like all 1915 helmets, the spike was now removable and fit into a corresponding bayonet-style lug on the round spike base as shown on this Model 1915 example made by "Helbing v.Sackewitz" in 1916.
A comparison of the M1905 to a M1915. The shape and features stayed essentially the same during the transition from German silver to grey steel fittings. Note the removable spike on the M1915.
A comparison of the M1905 to a M1915. Model 1915 Metalhelme are found with both the large 63 mm M1891 Metalhelme Kokarde or the standard M1891 Pickelhaube pattern Kokarde.
Ersatz-Helme (substitute helmets)

All arms received Ersatz-Helme (substitute helmets) as the war progressed until helmet supplies could meet demand. Jäger zu Pferde Ersatz Metalhelme appear pressed from a single sheet steel with artificial rivets on the rear and spike base. These helmets are normally marked only to 8JzP. Interestingly, these Jäger zu Pferde Ersatz helmets carry normal line eagle Wappen and not the Dragoner pattern Wappen.
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Imperial German Pickelhaube Index
Uniform Details
of all Jäger zu Pferder Regiments
Jäger zu Pferde
Plate 1