Royal Flying Corps 1912 to 1918
Take the cylinder out of my kidneys,
The connecting rod out of my brain, my brain,
From the small of my back take the camshaft
And assemble the engine again.
(Royal Flying Corps Mess Song)
To open each page, click once on the thumbnail pictures below. The page will open in a new window. Please be patient and allow the thumbnails to load |
Royal Flying Corps Flight Gear and Clothing
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Pilot Officer's Maternity Tunic |
Pilot Officer's Cuff Ranked Service Tunic |
Oberver Officer's Maternity Tunic |
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Model 1914
Other Ranks issued Maternity tunic |
Model 1914 Other Ranks issued RFC Greatcoat |
Issue Flight Coat of Air Commander Reginald Collis |
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Royal Flying Corps Other Ranks Side Cap |
Officers Royal Flying Corps Side Cap |
Issue Cowl Helmet |
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Issue Mark 1 Flight Helmet |
Issue Flight Mitts |
Flight Goggles |
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Fabric and Aircraft Parts |
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RFC Sutton Flight Safety Harness |
Sopwith F1 (Camel) Propeller |
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Fabric from Sopwith F1 (Camel) Flown By "Boots" LeBoutillier on 21 April 1918 and a Signed Print of the Incident |
Fabric and Postcard from the Parrsboro Nova Scotia Handley Page V/1500 |
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 | RFC Message Streamer
 | First Flight Envelope Signed by "Wop" May
Back to the Bunker |