Fire on Board!
One of the openings on the deck was smaller than the others, so it had to be widened to match the other three. Unfortunately, right where the plastic box would slip in, there was a wooden station which formed the hull, so I sanded this with a motor tool until the box would fit. I noticed a few minutes later my work shop was filling with smoke (?) and realized that the grinding of the wooden station had caused a smouldering fire inside the hull! I had no choice, I had to pop the superstructure off and indeed there was a smouldering pile of hot sawdust from the grinding. if I had left, it could have easily caught fire and Pommern would have burned.
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Scheinwerfer (Searchlights) The six Scheinwerfer (searchlights) on Pommern started life as MZ-Modellbau's horrible and very crude cast Scheinwerfer, so they needed a lot of work. The over-size crude cooling housing on the top of the casting was cut off and replaced with one made from scratch and cast. The front tube on the casting was too thick (what a shock) and flawed so it was cut off and replaced with brass tube. This also allowed me to place PLM Marinedetails new photo-etched Scheinwerfer grill with handles between the body and the brass tube. I was able to use the new inner grates from PLM Marinedetails and as always, they were brilliant. The grate has the handles that go between the outer front tube (or what-ever it is called) and of course an amazingly fine and delicate grate.
All other details were scratch built except the handles and the excellent quality hand wheels which were also from PLM Marinedetails.
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Painted Scheinwerfer These photos show one of the six Scheinwerfer after painting mounted onto the front funnel. I am quite pleased with the way these turned out considering what I had to start with.
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