On the stern, were four Außenbordniedergang (outboard stairs) which are used to board the ship from the water line. The photo-etched ones I used were for 5-teilig für Große und Kleine Kreuzer (5 piece for large and small cruisers). The photos of Pommern show two supports under each of these, so I modified and soldered them all to fit Pommern.

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Test Fit
I have to admit, they looked fantastic and I was very pleased with them. However, one fell off my work table by accident and I stepped on it. A 90 kg 183 cm man (200 lbs. six-foot) vs. 2 gram 50mm Außenbordniedergang.... guess who won? It was completely crushed; absolutely flat. I was not impressed. However, it was so flat and destroyed, it was rather funny.

So, I had to obtain another one via a desperate email to Peter in Germany. He found one and mailed it, when it arrived I had to modify, solder, paint......

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Torpedo Hatches
I noticed that on many ship models, the builders seem to forget (or ignore) the torpedo hatches that are on the bow, stern, and on both sides of the hull. I had made appropriate spots for them when I first made the hull, so I wanted the hatches to look correct, including the hinges. In this photo are the masters I made of those parts, with the cast parts (complete with hinges) ready to be glued on.

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