While looking at photos of the stern to build the Nachtrettung (Night rescue equipment), I noticed that the rear 8,8cm (88mm gun) Sponsons on this photo of Pommern, looked nothing like what I had made from the Deutschland plans. The actual stern Sponsons were long like the ones on the bow, with sharp upper and lower edges, hinged door edges that protruded and the two centre portholes were smaller.

They were probably the same on Deutschland, but I had interpreted the plans incorrectly by using the side view and not taking into account that the stern tapers in.

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Not Even Close.....
When compared to the photo above of Pommern's actual stern Sponsons, the Sponsons that I had made, looked like they were off a toy ship; too short, wrong shape, rounded edges, narrow doors, three large portholes (missing one porthole), flush rounded doors, ........I was also not happy with the shape of the rear 8,8cm (88mm gun) doors and there was a panel with two portholes that should not be there. So obviously this all had to be redone.

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A Shortcut
The bow Sponsons had the correct long shape, so rather than go through the carving process again, I cast the two bow Sponsons (left and right) right on the hull. Lazy, but effective.

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