- Kriegsministerium (War Ministry) except the kingdom of Bayern (Bavaria)
- Generalstab (General Staff)
- Apotheker (Pharmacists)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Karmesinrot (crimson red)
Cap Band - Karmesinrot (crimson red)
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- Kriegsministerium (War Ministry) kingdom of Bayern (Bavaria)
Top - Hellblau (light blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Karmesinrot (crimson red)
Cap Band - Karmesinrot (crimson red)
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- All Sanitäts offiziere (Medical Officers)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Dunkelblau (dark blue) |
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Worn up to September 1915- All Sanitätstruppen (Medical Troops): Sanitäts-Unteroffizier (Medical NCOs), Krankenwärter (Medical Attendants), and Krankenträger (Stretcher bearer)
Top M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
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After AKO 21 September 1915- All Sanitäts-Unteroffizier (Medical NCOs)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Karmesinrot (crimson red)
Cap Band - Dunkelblau (dark blue)
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After AKO 21 September 1915- All Krankenwärter (Medical Attendants)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - For Dunkelblau Mützen the piping was Hellblau (light blue) . For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Karmesinrot (crimson red)
Cap Band - For Dunkelblau Mützen the band was Dunkelblau (dark blue). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the band was Karmesinrot (crimson red)
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After AKO 21 September 1915- All Krankenträger (Stretcher bearer)
Top - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Karmesinrot (crimson red)
Cap Band - Karmesinrot (crimson red)
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- All Freiwilligen Krankenpflege (Volunteer Medical Orderly).
Top - Weiß (white) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey) - Weiß (white)
Piping - Top - Weiß (white). Above and below the band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Grey
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- All Veterinäre (Veterinarians)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Karmesinrot (crimson red)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black)
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- Landgendarmerie
- Landjäger Korps
- Feldgendarmerie (Feldgrau only. There was no Dunkelblau Feldgendarmerie Mützen)
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - For Dunkelblau Mützen the band was Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the band was Dunkelgrün (dark green) |
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- All Feldgeistliche (Field clergyman). Prior to AKO 3 July 1913, Feldgeistliche wore a traditional German black felt clergy hat. A Schirmmütze was not authorized until the AKO of 1913.
Top - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Purpurrot (purple) on lower band only from 1913 to 21 September 1915 by all contingents except Bayern (Bavaria). Bayern Feldgeistliche wore this pattern from 1913 to 31 March 1916. Piping was worn on the top of the Mütze as of 21 September 1915 by all contingents except Bayern (Bavaria). Bayern Feldgeistliche added the top piping on 31 March 1916
Cap Band - Purpurrot (purple)
Tradition badge - A white enameled cross was worn by Catholic and Lutheran clergymen. Jewish Rabbies wore the same cap without the cross.
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- All Zahlmeister (Pay Officers)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Dunkelblau (dark blue)
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- All Feldpost (Field Post Office)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Orangerot
Cap Band - Orangerot Rot (orange-red) with a Schwarz (black) center stripe.
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- Militärebeamte (Military employed officials).
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Karmesin (crimson)
Cap Band - Dunkelblau (dark blue), Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue), or Karmesinrot (crimson red)
Cap InsigniaSmall silver or gilt contingent Wappens (see image below)
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