On the first ladder, I soldered the outside of the ladder, and when I sanded it, I ended up with a 'ripple' effect, it did not look straight, and that ladder was ruined. I discovered that by soldering the rungs on the inside, the outside of the ladder was untouched and perfect. When soldering, I did not trust the cuts in the balsa to keep the ladder straight and true, so little blocks of hardwood were cut to fit between the rungs as I soldered.

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After soldering, the protruding ends of the wires were clipped off and sanded flush.

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Completed Ladder
Here is a completed ladder cleaned up but not yet painted. By comparing PLM Marinedetails' ladders to a standard photo-etched ladder, you can see the huge advantage to these. Unlike a standard flat photo-etched ladder, PLM Marinedetails ladders are three-dimensional and are actual tiny ladders; flat on the vertical sides, round rungs. They are incredible.

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Aufbau completion Intro / Three Deutschland-Klasse Versions / Masts / Funnel Searchlights / Railings and Canvas / Ladders / Gangways / Compass Platform & Davits / Fixing 8,8 Gun Platforms, Funnels, & Doors / Rain covers / Searchlights / Crane / Air Vents / Final Product