Sleeeeep........ The remainder of the silicone was poured on top to fill the box and left to cure for 24 hours. I wanted to make sure no silicone leaked into the bottom or top of the funnel master, so I used a clamp on the box.
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Remove the putty 24 hours later it had completely set, and the putty was removed. I did NOT remove the funnel from the cured silicone. That would break the seal.
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Second Layer Back into the box, the first layer was brushed with petroleum jelly and then the second layer of silicone moulding rubber was applied as per the first layer. Both top and bottom halves of the funnels had moulds made this way.
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*NOTE* You MUST carefully brush petroleum jelly or mould release agent onto the exposed silicone before the second half is poured. If you do not, the second layer of silicone will fuse with the first and the end result is one useless block of silicone, not two halves. I am speaking from experience...........the first mould was not a success. Also take care to not get any petroleum jelly or mould release agent on your master. The silicone will copy every shape and it will show on your resin copies.
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