Ready to Build
After removing the "flash" of excess resin around the seams of all the parts, I now had all the parts to build twelve 8,8 cm SK L/35.

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One by One........
The guns were then glued to the bases, and I could begin to add details. First off, I added a small ring on the bottom to hold the connecting rod for the traversing mechanism.

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Recoil Buffer
A hydraulic recoil buffer from styrene tube was added onto the right side of each gun, this absorbs the recoil as the gun fires. Then a pneumatic recuperator was added to the bottom of each gun, this brings the gun back into battery after firing.

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Geschützen Intro / 28cm Geschützeturme / 17cm SK L/40 Kasematten / 8,8 cm SK L/35 / Final Product