Bugzier Cage Template
To get the Bugzier cage in the correct position, I used photographs to make a paper template to position where it attached to the bow.

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The Cage
The cage was made from brass wire soldered together and then glued into drilled holes. You can see here that I have added the Bugspoiler (the large cast object to feed ropes through) on the top of the bow and faired it in with putty.

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A Bugzier from Clay
It seems the standard way to make the Bugzier (bow ornament) is to cut it out of brass sheet with a jigsaw, as this is what I have seen on ship models in Germany. As a result, they always look flat and have no depth, so I was not interested in using brass sheet. Using the photos as a guide, I sculpted the Bugzier out of a modelling clay called Sculpy. It was quite easy to work with, and as I completed a section, it was baked at 275 for 15 minutes to harden it. I could then work on it some more, and bake again to fix those sections. Pictured here is the rough final clay version before sanding. The knight's helmet at the top front of the Bugzier was also made from Sculpy.

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