Painting the Bugzier
The clay Wappens were glued to flat pieces of styrene to simulate the wood panels the original was affixed to, and then cleaned up by giving them a coat of thinned modelling putty. After cleaning them up, they were casted in resin, which gave me spares in case I screwed one up. Always nice to have an escape route planned....... The cast ones were adjusted to fit the hull and then painted in the hull colour, and then the Wappen itself was painted with brass.

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The Heckwappen (stern ornament) at the stern had a Hohenzollern crown above a W (Wilhelm) flanked by shields with the Pommern griffin on either side.

Also in the photo you can see some things that I will have to make, such as the Hecklaterne (stern lantern) above the Heckgalerie (Admiral's walk) which was a peace time navigation light, which emitted a white light in a sector of 135° to the rear, the Heckankerlaterne (stern anchor lantern) shining down above the Heckwappen that was used to show the wake of the ship at night for following ships, and the chain holding up the stern anchor.

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Württemberg to the Rescue
The Heckwappen (stern ornament) that I received from MZ-Modellbau that he said was "correct for Deutschland class" was completely wrong (no surprise) so I had to make one. I discovered that the letter W on the issued soldier's belt buckle for Württemberg was the perfect size and shape for the W (Wilhelm) at the stern, so I used an original Württemberg buckle, cast the center, and trimmed out the W. The crown was cast from an original miniature Preußen pilot's badge, but shields would have to wait until I made the decals.

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