Poller in Resin
Here is the master for the largest Poller (double bitt) and the casted resin ones. A piece of styrene was shaped into a base, two pieces of 5.5 mm brass tube were used for the body, with two rubber 'O' rings glued on top capped with a very thin brass washer, and a top piece made from a photo-etched part of some sort that was cut to shape. I am not sure what they were, but they had a star shape in the centre so they were perfect.

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On the stern deck were three sets of Oberlichter (over lights) which were glass windows with armour covers which would allow light in when the ship was not in combat. This photo of some of the Pommern crew shows that they were not simple; each door had two hinges and was closed with two round locks, and around the circumference at the bottom was a rod to attach a foul-weather cover.

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Oberlichter in Resin
It was critical that these all look the same, so:
  1. I made a master of just one section with two covers.
  2. That master was cast to make two, which were then glued back-to-back.
  3. That part was then cast twice, and those two glued back-to-back.
  4. Then that was repeated, until I had an Oberlichter (over lights) with 12 identical covers and hinges.

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